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Welcome ! Here you will find space to align with your soul 🌟

Restore your subtle energy field 💫

Explore your divine essence ✨️

Raise your vibration ⚡️

Manifest a new reality in accordance with your In - Lives in a better timeline and life line   

With LOVE 💗

Ease and FLUIDITY 🍀

Why do Energy healing - treatment ?

The objective of energy treatment, above all, is to energetically nourish the physical body, subtle etheric bodies, and energy centers.

And to ensure that the energy circulates well so that good energies continue to enter, and used energies continue to escape.​

When this dynamic works well, we feel in great shape with an optimal emotional state.

Able to start life on the right foot.

But when a disorder or imbalance, physical or psychological, occurs. This can result in deficiencies or excesses which can increase over time or hinder well-being and overall health.

Aside from weak or unsatisfactory functioning, energetic care helps in cases where one wishes to have access to better, more tenacious and more efficient functioning such as to gain endurance and achieve a feat.

as in the case of athletes or people wishing to improve their records, or spice up their intimate life. 

Doing energy treatment is an approach to supporting the body without involving foreign external that it gains strength, autonomy, immunity and sovereignty.

The first benefits of an energy treatment are to recharge above all, then to soothe, relieve, balance, cleanse, align, anchor...

and to remove obstructions and blockages in the circulation of energy and in certain energy operations

deformed following excessive fatigue or stress, excessive or premature shock or trauma (early childhood, puberty, etc.).

An energy treatment is also, and above all, a HEALTHY and PAINLESS way to gain vivacity, strength and grounding INSTANTLY. 

Private session

Feel good about yourself in his body and in his head:

There is nothing more TRUE!

BE. Be well. Aligned.e. Serene.

In perfect balance.

Without needing anything else.​

This treatment is a balm to the heart

and a new breath for the SOUL and for man. The human.​

What if you allowed yourself to finally be OK?


Participation: €80

Duration: 1 hour 

Schedule: at your convenience in Calendly​​


About me

Wandering soul 🌟

Traveler 💫🎋

Passionate about the sea 🌊 

And from the plant kingdom 🌱🌳🍀

I live from my passion which is to accompany by instilling a new celestial energy favorable to the accomplishment of oneself and of all one's life projects.

To feel ALIVE every moment 🌟

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